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Community Garden

About our Garden

The Marong Neighbourhood House Community Garden vision was conceived in 2019 in response to community requests.  The establishment of the garden commenced in 2020 and is continuing to be improved.

The Garden provides a means to promote the growing of food and healthy eating, to provide education and training, to Inspire and enable people to successfully grow their own.

Our garden beds are designed to suit everyone in the community.  We have ‘no bend’ beds, beds accessible for wheelchairs and prams, and child friendly beds.

Our garden beds are currently planted out with vegetables and we have a small orchard of fruit trees.

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Our Garden

Provides the community with access to fresh health food and to provide people with the opportunity to grow their own food, to connect with their community.

Provides an opportunity for people to gain skills and knowledge of gardening by participating in our Grow and Learn program.

To effectively use a public space providing a multi-use space for food share, allotments, workshops etc.

Provides an open space for members of the community to come together and grow.

To enjoy the benefits of fresh food, to learn from one another, share skills and provide an opportunity to learn how to grow and harvest fresh food.

To connect the community through gardening and improve health and wellbeing.

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Pruning Video

Community Garden Operations


Garden Beds: $10.00 per year

Garden Key: $10.00 deposit 


Community Garden Operations

Access and Hours of Operation


The garden is located on the grounds of the MNH.

Community members who wish to use the garden must become volunteers or members.

Supervised hours - Our gardener will be onsite two days a week, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Volunteer and Member access - Volunteers and members will have access anytime during daylight hours.

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Communal Plots - plots and orchard will be communal with various beds for various uses, will be cared for by the Community Garden Facilitator, MNH co-ordinator, staff and committee of management, garden volunteers and members.

Plots for hire - designated plots will be available for the community to hire.

Your supply your own seedlings/seeds, plant and gloves.

You are responsible for the plot you hire, be mindful of water usage and the overall care of you plot.  If you are unwell or away, please arrange for another member or a volunteer to tend your plot.


Equipment Use

The Community Garden has some equipment available to use.

Members and Volunteers gardening outside of supervised hours may request for a key to the tool shed.

Equipment available:


Shovels/small gardening tools


It is the responsibility of the users of the equipment, that it is used in accordance to manufacturers specifications and that all equipment is cleaned and returned to storage.

Please report any broken or faulty equipment.

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Pumpkin Soup

Made from Community Garden Produce

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